
A wide range of blades made of high qual­i­ty en­gi­neered plas­tics, alu­mini­um and elec­tri­cal­ly con­duc­tive plas­tic (PACAS), guar­an­tee that the safe­ty and longevi­ty re­quire­ments for your ap­pli­ca­tion can be met.

The hubs are made of Alu­mini­um and a range of spe­cial drop-​forged alu­mini­um cen­ter boss­es are avail­able.

Symbol Material Description Temperature Range Characteristic Application Suitability

Glass fiber reinforced polyamid (nylon, black)

-40°C to 110°C Heat ageing stabilized Standard Duty

Glass fiber reinforced polyamid (nylon, beige)

-40°C to 110°C Heat ageing stabilized Heavy Duty

Carbon fiber reinforced polyamid (nylon, grey)

-35°C to 100°C Electrically conductive, flame-retardant Duty in explosive environments
ALU Die cast aluminium -40°C to 150°C High strength to weight ratio High temperature


For corrosive environments, the impellers can be supplied with a protective coating and stainless steel bolts and nuts.

For European compliance with regulations ATEX 100 and VDMA 24169, hubs are available with conductive coatings.